Live Comments US House Republicans released Tax Reform 2.0 as political move

    US House Republicans released Tax Reform 2.0 as political move

    In the US, House Republicans released the so called “Tax Reform 2.0” yesterday, aiming to put it to committee-level vote this Thursday, and a full House vote on October 1. There are three major elements in the new package. Firstly, the temporary individual rates lowered in the December tax cut plan would be make permanent. Secondly, maximum age for some contributions to retirement accounts would be eliminated. Thirdly, new businesses would be allowed to write-off more start-up costs.

    But some analysts saw the new tax plan as merely a political move ahead of mid-term elections. There is no chance of passing the Congress in short term. However, it will put Democrats in the position of opposing the tax cuts just ahead of November 6 elections. And there are also criticisms on adding another several billion dollars to the deficit.



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