Live Comments OECD: China at a crossroad, should lower external and internal barriers

    OECD: China at a crossroad, should lower external and internal barriers

    In an OECD survey report, Deputy Secretary-General Ludger Schuknecht, warned that “China is at a crossroads, facing serious domestic and external challenges to maintaining its strong position over the long-term.”. He urged that “policy should seek to ensure a better functioning economy that delivers stable and inclusive growth for all.”

    OECD said China should aim to “further lower import tariffs and dismantle non-tariff barriers and barriers on the entry and conduct of foreign firms, in particular requirements to form joint ventures or transfer technology.” Also, “ongoing fiscal stimulus should avoid directing credit to state-owned enterprises and local governments”

    Additionally, there are :wide scope to improve efficiency across the economy, notably by reducing the internal barriers that hinder product market competition and labour mobility.”. And measures include “stronger protection of intellectual property rights; gradual removal of implicit guarantees to state-owned enterprises, allowing them to default; and reduction of state ownership in commercially-oriented, non-strategic sectors.”

    Full release here.



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