HomeLive CommentsCanada GDP grew 0.5% mom in March, 0.4% annualized in Q1

Canada GDP grew 0.5% mom in March, 0.4% annualized in Q1

Canada GDP grew 0.5% mom in March, , well above expectation of 0.3% mom. Goods-producing industries were up 0.7%, offsetting most of the decline in February, while services-producing industries (+0.4%) posted their strongest increase since May 2018. There were gains in 16 of the 20 industrial sectors.

For Q1, GDP grew an annualized 0.4%, well below expectation of 0.7%. Growth in real GDP was driven by a 0.9% increase in household spending and an 8.7% rise in business investment in machinery and equipment. These increases were moderated by a 1.0% decline in exports, coupled with a 1.9% increase in imports. Additionally, investment in housing continued to decline, down 1.6% in the first quarter.

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