HomeLive CommentsJapan PM Abe seeks fresh three year term

Japan PM Abe seeks fresh three year term

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe declared his candidacy for leadership of the Liberal Democratic Party on Sunday. The party leadership contest will be held on September 20, as a two horse race between Abe and former defence chief Shigeru Ishiba.

The re-election should be an easy win for Abe as he’s got support from give of the LDP’s seven intraparty factions, which encompass around 70% of its members. A win will give Abe another three year term and he’s then on track to become the country’s longest-serving Prime Minister.

Abe told a press conference that “I have decided to lead Japan as the LDP leader and the prime minister for three more years, and with this determination, I will run for the leadership election next month.” He added that “as we prepare to welcome a historic turning point, what kind of country we want to create will be a contentious issue,” and, “I am determined to steer Japan in a new era.”

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