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ECB Vasle: TLTRO keeps favorable financing conditions and supports transmission of monetary policy

ECB Governing Council member Bostjan Vasle said the biggest risks for Eurozone growth is that worsening global condition could slow trade. However, the current favorable financing conditions and robust domestic demand will support Eurozone economy.

He emphasized that “it is of key importance that the instrument (TLTRO) keeps favorable conditions of financing for banks and thus supports transmission of monetary policy into banks’ credit activity”. Also ECB stand ready to use “other available measures” if needed.

Vasle also noted that persistent low inflation is a result of moderation in growth, weaker energy prices and lower wage pressures. He said “the council of governors has responded to these movements by adjusting its decrees with a purpose of ensuring the necessary accommodation line of its monetary policy also in worsened conditions.”

Separately, another Governing Council member Vitas Vasiliauskas said inflation outlook is “not bad”. And, the council still needs time to see however the economy developments in the second half of the year. Also a Governing Council member, Ewald Nowotny said there is no risk of recession, just a slowdown.

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