HomeLive CommentsEurozone PMI manufacturing finalized at 45.8, 35-month low

Eurozone PMI manufacturing finalized at 45.8, 35-month low

Eurozone PMI Manufacturing was finalized at 45.8 in April, a 35-month low. The index was also below the 50 no-change mark for a tenth straight month. PMI Manufacturing Output was finalized at 48.5, a 4-month low.

PMI Manufacturing of all major states declined in the month, and recorded contractionary reading except Greece (52.4). Ireland (48.6), France (45.6), the Netherlands (44.9), Germany (44.5) and Austria (42.0) were all at 35-month low. Spain was at 3-month low of 49.0 while Italy was at 6-month low at 46.8.

Full Eurozone PMI Manufacturing release here.

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