Japan goods exports rose 3.5% yoy to JPY 6551B in January, better than expectation of 0.8% yoy, but much worse than prior month’s 11.5% yoy. Exports to China fell -17.1% yoy on cars, car parts and chip-making equipment. Exports to the US were up 10.2% yoy. Exports to Europe ere up 9.5% yoy.
Imports rose 17.8% yoy to JPY 10048B, below expectation of 18.4% yoy and prior month’s 20.7% yoy. Import growth was boosted by coal, liquefied natural gas and crude oil,
Trade deficit came in at JPY -3497B.The monthly deficit was the largest on record going back to 1979.
In seasonally adjusted term, exports dropped -6.3% mom to JPY 7788B. Imports dropped -5.1% mom to JPY 9609B. Trade deficit was largely unchanged at JPY -1821B.