Germany PMI Manufacturing rose from 39.6 to 40.7 in October, a 5-month high. PMI Services fell from 50.3 to 48.0. PMI Composite fell from 46.4 to 45.8.
Cyrus de la Rubia, Chief Economist at Hamburg Commercial Bank, said:
“With the HCOB PMI indices baked into our GDP nowcast, we are calculating a -0.4 percent slip in GDP this quarter, after an estimated -0.8 percent slide the quarter before. If these nowcasts hit the mark, this would result in a -0.8 percent overall growth rate for 2023. This would make the German government’s -0.4 percent shrinkage call seem pretty rosy.
“The PMI results show that the downturn is broad based. Manufacturing output continues to fall at a steep rate and activity in the services sector, which grew last month, swung into the red again.
“Input prices in the German services sector are continuing to rise at an unusual high rate. Increased energy prices and high wage pressures are most likely at the core of this development. Firms are still managing to roll some of those inflated costs onto the customer’s tab, and October did not see much change in that. Thus, there is no reason to pull the plug on inflation concerns.”