HomeLive CommentsUK May had constructive talks with Davis over backstop plan

UK May had constructive talks with Davis over backstop plan

UK Prime Minister Theresa May and her ministers will meet today to try to conclude on a “backstop” plan for Irish border after Brexit. The current proposal is believed to tie UK to EU customs union after a transition period.

But it’s widely reported that Brexit minister David Davis is at odds with May over the the proposal because of the lack of end date. Davis also threatened to quit over the disagreement. May’s spokeswoman said today that May and Davis had “constructive talks”. And it’s rumored that nobody will resign from the UK government today over Brexit.

Looking ahead, June 28-29 EU summit is an important deadline by which UK has to give an agreeable answer to EU regarding the Irish border. For now, it’s highly unlikely for this to be met. Instead, the decision could be delayed to October 17-18 EU summit. But at the same time, October is the deadline for agreement the divorce bill and terms. So, tough time ahead for May for sure.

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