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Hard-line Brexiteers to show strength of their support to PM May in the Commons

UK Prime Minister Theresa May is going to face tough challenges on her Brexit Plan and even her political survival this week. The Brexit Taxation (Cross-Border Trade) Bill will return to the Commons today. Hard-line Brexiteers are planning to show their strength in support with new amendments, which May is expected to defend. For now it’s unlikely for May to be defeated on the amendments. But the debates and vote could reveal the extend of objections to the compromised Brexit plan made at the Chequers. Then the Brexit Trade Bill will come to the commons for third reading on Tuesday. Wednesday is seen as an informal deadline to hold a no-confidence vote in May or there won’t be enough time before parliament breaks up for the summer.

Ex-Brexit Minister David Davis blasted May’s plan in an article in the Sunday Times, saying it was an “astonishingly dishonest claim” to said there is no worked-out alternative. And he warned that “be in no doubt: under the government’s proposal our fingers would still be caught in this mangle and the EU would use it ruthlessly to punish us for leaving and handicap our future competitiveness.”

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