HomeLive CommentsTrump: China has started farm purchases, trade deal coming along very well

Trump: China has started farm purchases, trade deal coming along very well

US President Donald Trump said yesterday that China has “started the buying” of US farm products” and he added “I want more”. Also, he repeated the usual rhetorics that “The deal with China’s coming along very well. They want to make a deal… They sort of have to make a deal … because their supply chain is going down the tubes.”

Meanwhile, US Trade Representatives Robert Lighthizer indicated the administration is still aiming to finalize the first phase of US-China trade deal for signing at the APEC meeting in Chile on November 16-17. However, there are still outstanding issues to resolve. Deputy-level meetings took place yesterday. Lighthizer and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin are expected to talk to Chinese Vice Premier Liu He on Friday.

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