HomeLive CommentsGerman ZEW rose to -1.1, passed the lowest points

German ZEW rose to -1.1, passed the lowest points

German and Eurozone economic sentiments are seeing a revival, as indicated by the notable improvement in ZEW Economic Sentiment Indicators for October. In Germany, Economic Sentiment rose significantly from -11.4 to -1.1, outperforming the anticipated -9.5. Despite this uplift in sentiment, Current Situation Index experienced a minor decline, moving from -79.4 to -79.9, although it still exceeded the expected -80.5.

Eurozone isn’t lagging, either. The region’s ZEW Economic Sentiment rebounded from negative terrain, ascending from -8.9 to 2.3 and surpassing -8 forecast. Concurrently, Current Situation Index experienced a dip of -9.8 points, resting at -52.4.

ZEW President Professor Achim Wambach expressed optimism, indicating a potential turnaround in economic sentiment. “It seems that we have passed the lowest point,” Wambach noted, highlighting a positive shift in expectations, driven partly by anticipation of declining inflation rates.

More than three-quarters of survey participants expect short-term interest rates in Eurozone to stabilize, reinforcing optimistic economic outlook. Despite concerns related to negative factors influencing growth forecasts, such as the Israel conflict, their impact appears limited, ensuring the overall economic perspective remains tilted towards optimism.

Full German ZEW release here.

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