HomeLive CommentsRBA Debelle: Too uncertain to assess coronavirus impacts beyond Q1

RBA Debelle: Too uncertain to assess coronavirus impacts beyond Q1

RBA Governor Guy Debelle said in a speech that because of the coronavirus, the global economy will be “materially weaker” in Q1 and in the period ahead. For Australia, RBA has estimated the impact of education and tourism sectors. These services exports, which account for 5% of GDP, would drop at least -10% in Q1. That translates into -0.5% subtraction of GDP just from these two sources. But that, he added, “it is just too uncertain to assess the impact of the virus beyond the March quarter.”

Debelle also said, the coronavirus is “a shock to both demand and supply”. Monetary policy “does not have an effect” on the supply side. But It can work to “ensure demand is stronger than it otherwise would be”. The government’s intention to support jobs, incomes, small business and investment will “provide welcome support” to the economy. “The combined effect of fiscal and monetary policy will help us navigate a difficult period for the Australian economy.”

Debelle’s full speech here.

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